Resetting Your Password
If you forgot your Paperless Post account password, or need to change it, no worries! There are some simple steps you can take to change your password and regain access to your account if needed.
If you're not logged into your account:
If you're working from a computer, click Login at the top right corner of the homepage, and then click the Forgot Password? from the login modal. You'll be prompted to enter the email address on your account, and we'll send you some instruction for resetting your password.
If you're already logged into your account from a computer:
Hover over your name at the top right corner of the desktop home screen. Choose Account Settings from the dropdown menu that appears. Scroll down to the "Change Password" section, then add your current password and your new password into the fields.
If you're already logged into your account from a computer and don't remember your current password:
Hover over your name at the top right corner of the desktop home screen. Choose Account Settings on the menu. Head to your Account Settings and click the Forgot Password? link in the Change Password section and we'll send you an email with some instructions on resetting it.
Anytime your password is reset, we will send a notification email to all of the email addresses associated with your account.
Still having trouble? Reach out to us and we can help!
See also: Account Security; Account Notification Emails