When you send a Card or Flyer through Paperless Post, you have the ability to see when your recipients receive, view, and reply to your mailing by checking your recipient statuses on your Manage Tracking page. Refresh the Manage Tracking page to see updated statuses.
Invitations that collect RSVPs through our site will progress from Sending > Sent > Opened > Attending/Going or Regrets/Not Going.
Cards and Flyers with questions but not RSVP collection will progress from Sending > Sent > Opened > Replied.
All other event types will progress from Sending > Sent > Opened.
Here's a breakdown of what each of those statuses mean:
- Attending: Your guest clicked "Will Attend" while viewing the invitation.
- Bounced: Your recipients' email address is either invalid or not accepting our emails at this time. You can update the address by clicking on the recipient and entering a new address in the panel that appears on the right. Some valid emails may bounce back due to high security settings (corporate, private, university, or work domains, for example). Those domains may need to add our addresses to their safe list in order to receive cards through Paperless Post.
- Going: Your guest responded "Yes" to the Flyer RSVP prompt
- Opened: Your recipient has opened the mailing, but they have not submitted an RSVP (if applicable).
- Not going: Your guest responded "No" to the Flyer RSVP prompt
- Regrets: Your guest clicked "Will Not Attend" while viewing the invitation.
- Responded: Your recipient has answered at least one of the questions included with your mailing
- Scheduled: This recipient has been scheduled to be sent the Card or Flyer at a later time
- Sending: Your card has left our sending servers and we are waiting for a response from the recipients' server. Refresh the Manage Tracking page to see updated statuses. If you see anyone stuck in this status for more than an hour, reach out to us.
- Sent: Your card has been accepted by the recipients' server but has not yet been viewed. If you have any recipients who haven't opened their Card or Flyer after 2-3 days, we will re-send them automatically. This only happens once per event, and only to recipients who haven't opened their mailings yet. After this time, you may also be prompted to copy a link to share with the recipient.
- Undeliverable: The text message was sent to a wrong number, landline, or a number with delivery restrictions. You can follow these steps as a workaround.
- Unsubscribed: Your recipient has opted out of receiving any Paperless Post emails - you can let this recipient know they're listed as "Unsubscribed" and our Support team can help them opt back into receiving cards and invitations! You can also follow these steps to send them a direct link to their mailing.