If you need more room on your card design, you've got options for adding more space! If you're hoping to include multiple photos or links with your design, you can do so by adding Blocks to the card. However, if you'd just like more room for a single photo or formatted text on the card design itself, you can add an additional side to any single-sided Card.
You can add a backside to any single-sided Card design by following these steps:
1. From your card's Create/Edit page, select the ... More button from the left-hand menu on a computer, or from the bottom of the page on mobile.
2. From the additional menu options that appear, select Add backside
3. This will add a blank backside to your card. The color will automatically be set to match the front of the card design, but you can also choose your own custom color by using the color picker.
There is also the option to upload your own image as the backside by choosing an existing image from your previously uploaded files, or uploading a new one.
4. You can then add and format text on the back of your card just as you did on the front of the card.
Remove an added backside
If you need to remove the backside from a card that was originally single-sided, you can choose the "Remove backside" option from the ... More menu. Please note that any text added to the backside is not recoverable after it is deleted.
The backside cannot be removed from any designs that are two-sided by default.