When hosting an event, you may find out the name of a guest's +1 after sending the invitation, or may need to check the specific date and time a guest RSVPed. Our Manage Tracking page records all updates made, and also allows you to change a guest's name, RSVP Status, and Total Attending number at any time.
To manually update a guest or recipient on your Manage Tracking page:
- Click or tap on the name of the guest you'd like to update. This will open their guest details panel.
- Select Edit guest/recipient details. From here you can edit their:
- Name
- RSVP status (if applicable)
- Total attending (if applicable)
- Responses to any additional questions (if applicable)
- Press Save to save the update.
The guest/recipient details panel also allows you to see when your recipient received, opened, and replied to your Card or Flyer. You will also be able to see any private or broadcast messages sent between you and the recipient.
Deleting a recipient from your Manage Tracking page will prevent them from receiving any additional correspondence about your mailing (rsvp requests, reminders, or any other follow up messages you choose to send), and will prevent them from viewing the invitation on our site. However, it won't delete any emails or text messages they received prior to being removed from the recipient list. If you need to retract or cancel an invitation, it may be best to reach out to the recipient directly.
See also: Managing Bounced Emails, Undeliverable Phone Numbers, and Incorrect Contacts